About Me

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I am almost 62 years old (June 8th). I was an online student until recently when I found I needed to withdraw for a while. I just cannot seem to remember anything that I read!! My mind span is like that of a child with ADHD and I do not know why. Just a lot going on I guess. I am still a CASA (court appointed special advocate) volunteer and help with a training for 'kinship caregivers' every so often. Not sure what the future holds, only God knows that and He will reveal it to me when He is ready. Until then I just need to work on restoring my relationship with Him.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Journeys

It's been a bit since I last posted and a lot has happened. We have been trying for over six months now to make things continue to work with Stephen, but to no avail. He just has so much anger bottled up inside and doesn't know how to let it out properly. He is on medication for mood disorder not otherwise specified, and in counseling. The last time he was told no and confronted about a lie he had told, he went ballistic again. We just cannot handle him anymore, the verbal and physical, and breaking of things is just to much. We turned him over to God, but he is not following God at the moment. He is now living with our youngest daughter Lesley and she has guardianship. It is good because he can finish out his senior year in the high school he was going to, plus she is younger and more with it. I sure hope it works out, it's only until June and by then he will be 18 and hopefully will graduate.
Do not take sadness from this post. We went through our six year journey to get Stephen and DJ into our home and adopted, and we made it through that journey. There have been many journeys with the boys and most of them were good. Now Dale and I are on a different journey and the boys are on their own journey. I would do it all over again with no hesitation. Kinship care is worth every minute of it.