About Me

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I am almost 62 years old (June 8th). I was an online student until recently when I found I needed to withdraw for a while. I just cannot seem to remember anything that I read!! My mind span is like that of a child with ADHD and I do not know why. Just a lot going on I guess. I am still a CASA (court appointed special advocate) volunteer and help with a training for 'kinship caregivers' every so often. Not sure what the future holds, only God knows that and He will reveal it to me when He is ready. Until then I just need to work on restoring my relationship with Him.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Well, I'm back in it again.  Not for Dale and I this time, but with my granddaughter Ashley and her husband Kyle.  I am helping them go through the DHHS (department of health and human services) foster care licensing so they can hopefully take our grandson DJ's son or sons.  DJ is her brother and one of the grandsons that Dale and I adopted.  His new baby is in foster care and the older boy (by a different mother) is in a safety plan.  So Ashley and Kyle are stepping forth to foster to adopt.  They are so excited and so am I.  All of the family on both sides of their family are behind them.  We have been to one meeting in Lewiston and we both were received very well.  I am not looking to raise anymore children but would like to be able to have the great grandsons on weekends.  Never thought I would be back in this game for any reason again.

I am beginning to realize that I have moved away from God and I need to get back with Him again.  I really miss the close relationship that I used to have.  I know that it is my fault as God does not move, He is steadfast.  I also know that he misses our relationship as much as I do and He will welcome me back with open arms.  I believe that it will also help my relationship with Dale (my husband) too.  So, what am I waiting for.....I guess I am afraid to get close to people at church.  I want friends, but yet I am afraid of getting hurt.  Again, it's my fault.  Please pray for me.

Well, that's it for today.....see you soon.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just another Saturday

  The weather cannot seem to make up it's mind today, it was rainy this morning and now the sun is in and out, and it's very breezy.  I so cannot wait until it gets warmer.  My kitties are out though so it must be a good day for them because they have been out for most of the afternoon.
  I am sitting here trying to decide if I want to spin for a while or knit.  It's to bad every decision in the world wouldn't be that simple.  There are other things like starting spring cleaning that I should be doing, but it's to chilly to throw open the windows for any length of time.
  I am on day two of trying to keep my blogging going.  I would write my deepest, darkest thoughts, like I used to in one of those hard bound lock and key books, but you never know who will stumble upon your blog.
  I am very heartbroken though over a personal situation with my two little great grandsons though.  I won't go into detail, but if you stumble onto this blog will you just pray for them.  God know who they are so I so not have to give specifics.
  Well, I have decided......I am going to knit for a while.  I blog again later.

Friday, April 19, 2013

  It has been ages since I visited my own blog.  How bad is that??  So I decided I had better try my hand at writing again tonight.
  I have been learning a lot lately about yarns and what I call "the good stuff."  Have you ever paid $23.00 for a skein/hank of yarn??  I now have!  It is 100% bamboo!  It is amazing.  I have also met a young woman in town who takes in rescue fiber animals.  She has two alpacas, three cashmere goats, and eleven angora rabbits.  She (Brandi) also buys 'good yarns' (white) and dyes them.  I have helped her dye yarn, I have learned to card the fiber on her drum carder, and I am learning to spin yarn.  I am going to get my own spinning wheel on May 14th and I am so excited.  I have recently learned to knit socks, and what a difference 'good yarn' makes.  I have wanted to learn to spin since 2005 and it is finally happening.
  My wonderful husband Dale just purchased a new toy!  It is a 950 Yamaha V star motorcycle!!  It is a left-over 2010.  It had never had gas in it until he bought it!!  It's beautiful....black with nice sidebags.  As soon as I pick up my helmet...off we go.  He has ridden it to work twice now and he really likes the ride and the gas savings.
  It seems as if spring might finally be coming.  Even though we haven't had a hard winter, it seems as if it has been a long one.  I find that I suffer from SAD (seasonal affect disorder)!  I hate the darkness.  And in the winter it seems as if that's all there is.  But Praise God I am beginning to see the light!  Spring, summer, and fall will offer flowers, warm breezes, days by the water or sitting outside knitting or spinning, and then colorful leaves.  
  I have started going to a spinning group and have reconnected with a lady that I met in 2005 named Joan Perkins.  In fact it is an extra spinning wheel that she has that I am going to buy.  I am hoping these ladies go to some of the local fairs and spin there.  I have seen groups of spinners sitting in a common area at some of the fairs, and they talk with people about spinning and answer any question they can.  I still do not know much yet, but I am learning.
  Yesterday I went to Bath, ME (down south) with  a friend, Donna, from church.  We went to a place called 'Halceon Yarns!'  Oh my, the yarns, the wheels, the, the, the..........  It was wonderful.  I am glad they are two and a half hours away though, I will have to think twice about frequenting the place!!!
  So, that kind of wraps things up for me tonight.  But I have enjoyed telling you about my life and what I have been up to lately.  Until we meet again.......Your sister in Christ is signing off.