About Me

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I am almost 62 years old (June 8th). I was an online student until recently when I found I needed to withdraw for a while. I just cannot seem to remember anything that I read!! My mind span is like that of a child with ADHD and I do not know why. Just a lot going on I guess. I am still a CASA (court appointed special advocate) volunteer and help with a training for 'kinship caregivers' every so often. Not sure what the future holds, only God knows that and He will reveal it to me when He is ready. Until then I just need to work on restoring my relationship with Him.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

This is the second week with Stephen gone. DJ is home for a two week vacation. He is kind of bummed because we were going to go to RI this coming weekend, but I have to have shoulder surgery this Friday. He will get over things, we'll keep him busy if it ever stops raining.
I had been really down since Friday night when we picked Stephen up, he and I got into it hot and heavy on the way home. I spent all day Saturday alone in my room and Iwasn't going to go to church today because we aren't a family we are just a bunch of people living in a house. But God said, you need to go to church, be with my people and hear my word, so I did. I heard wonderful words, and found out that I cannot nor should I try to control things. I just need to put them in His hands and rest in that. Sometimes for me that is easier said than done. But I am going to really pray hard that He will help me with this. I know He is faithful.

The Power of Prayer

Nobody knows the power of prayer,
But somebody must be listening there
With a friendly ear for the heart that calls
Someone who knows when a sparrow falls,
Miracles lie in the power of prayer;
Faith that can banish the soul's despair!
Hope that can shine like a holy light
And brighten the spirit's darkest night!
When earthly help is of no avail
There is one Friend who will never fail;
Just lift your eyes - the answer is there,
For nobody knows the power of prayer!!

Author Unknown

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wow is it ever quiet here!!! We took Stephen to camp, he is a Jr. Counselor there this year. And DJ is back at Job Corps. Now if we could just get Beth somewhere...... I can't wait for the empty nest again. Yes again. We had it once for 10 years and then we took in DJ and Stephen and adopted then. Two more years and I think we'll experience empty nest again. I think I'll move and not leave a forwarding!!! :) This week I'll get some extra stuff done as best I can... I'm having shoulder surgery on July 2nd and will be semi-laid up for a while. Perhaps during some of this quiet time I can spend a whole day with God. I really need to have a good chat with him. I feel like I am loosing ground. So afraid to get involved more than I am in church. I guess I'll never be sure. Dr. Oliver (my therapist who has known me for many years) said that I am at my best when I am walking with God. I haven't been there for quite sometime. Help me, my Father.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's been a great day for me. My laptop crashed Tuesday night and I was able to restore it and it's working again!!!! Little old me!! I am so excited. I really like my laptop.
I went to the orthopedic Dr. today and it's shoulder surgery for me. I have a torn rotor cuff. Thank God I will be able to sleep after it's done. The date is July 2nd. I am bummed about not being able to go to RI as planned but I will be happy to sleep and not be a bear during the day.
My granddaughter Ashley (21) is having surgery on her knee tomorrow. She has a fatty tumor that need to come out. This is the 2nd time only this one is much bigger!!!
I am beginning to thing that we will never see summer here. A couple of warm days, 60's to 70's and then rain for two or three days and cooler temps!!! Oh well, we chose to live here. I need to see if I can download my new pictures in here of Stephen building our firepit. He did an awesome job and he did it by himself. Pretty smart guy.
Well, it's been a long day, I've just had my Technical Writing class and I am beat.
Good night dear one.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I found this in a magazine and said, "If only people would do this!"
If you sleep on it....make it up.
If you wear it....hang it up.
If you drop it....pick it up.
If you eat out of it....wash it.
If you spill it....wipe it up.
If you turn it on.....turn it off.
If you open it.....close it.
If you move it.....put it back.
If you break it.....repair it.
If you empty it.....fill it up.
If it rings.....answer it.
If it howls.....feed it.
If it cries.....love it.

I think of all the times I want ice and all of the ice cube trays are in the freezer empty, or cereal bowls are left in the sink after I have done breakfast dishes. And how about people who stand by the phone and let it ring until you leave what you are doing and answer it!!!!

Okay, that is a pet peeve for today.

It's been a fun morning. My mom and dad and Stephen and I went to a bunch of yard sales. I love going yard saling, it's so much fun and sometimes you find some neat bargans. Stephen has just broken up with his first official girlfriend. Do I remember those days. I am not sure if it is as hard on boys, but he is a bit devistated right now. When Dale gets off work today at 5 we are going to Bangor to pick up what Stephen needs for camp. He is going to be a Junior Counselor at a Christian camp this summer. I am so happy. His mom used to go to this camp and he and DJ and their sister Ashley have all gone to this camp. It will be so good for him. And for all of us. It will be so quiet here though during the week, but a nice change.

I have started my 6th term and I am taking Ethics and Technical Writing this term. But, I may need shoulder surgery, right shoulder of course, so I'm not sure how that will effect writing and using the computer. I will know more on the 22nd. Dale is about to start his summer hours. He will work Monday through Thursday so he will have Friday, Saturday and Sunday off!!!!! Yeah, family time. When school is in, he has to work after school hours. It's tough.

Here is another little saying I found today so I will close with it:

I know God won't give me more than I can handle,
I just wish He wouldn't trust me so much.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

It's hard to believe....I'll be 60 years old Monday!!! I've seen a lot in these 60 years. I remember when the first TV came to our small town!!! When I was a teenager you knew what make and model a car was when you saw it. My hero was a town policeman who use to work as a crossing guard. The neighborhood kids would get together and play softball. Things were not boring then. We never wanted for things to do.....and we did not have "things."
My mom and dad will be married 61 years on the 25th of June. They have lived in the same house for 61 years!!!! You do not see that much anymore.
Praise God, Stephen is going to be a Junior Counselor at a Christian camp this summer. He will be gone all week but has to come home on weekends. I am so happy that he will get this experience. There is nothing in town to keep a guy busy and no one wants to hire 16 year olds.
I start my 6th term taking classes on-line on the 10th. I am kind of anxious to get started again. I'm doing okay, maintaining a 3.7 GPA.
We are going to visit our friends in Rhode Island on 4th of July weekend. I can't wait. We will see some old friends from "the village." There are more and more people leaving it seems. I miss so many people there, but......I have had to move on, as have others who have left or been asked to leave. It would be so neat if everyone who has left or been asked to leave could have a big reunion!!!!
Pray for our granddaughter Ashley, she has a "fatty tumor" all around her knee (inside) that she will have removed on the 19th. She had a tumor removed two years ago from the same knee. I did not know that "fatty tumors" kept coming back. Please pray also for our friend Brooks. He has some medical problems that may require surgery. I'll know more this coming Monday night. He is a very neat person (we've never met him but have been talking with him via phone for over three years.) We were hoping to meet him in RI on the 4th but he may not be able to make it now.
Well one more week and Dale will start his summer work hours. He will work Monday - Thursday and get his hours in. He will have the whole weekend off!!!!!!! I can't wait. Then we can take my parents and take some road trips down to the coast. Route 1!!!! Full of craft shops and flea markets, mom and I love it. Dale and daddy say "thank heaven for air conditioners!"
Pray for DJ. He will be 18 in August and is beginning to feel his oats!!!! He is doing well at Job Corps though. Thank God for Job Corps.
Well, I guess that's it for now. I am going to try to be more faithful to you dear blog..............