About Me

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I am almost 62 years old (June 8th). I was an online student until recently when I found I needed to withdraw for a while. I just cannot seem to remember anything that I read!! My mind span is like that of a child with ADHD and I do not know why. Just a lot going on I guess. I am still a CASA (court appointed special advocate) volunteer and help with a training for 'kinship caregivers' every so often. Not sure what the future holds, only God knows that and He will reveal it to me when He is ready. Until then I just need to work on restoring my relationship with Him.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Finally getting the new classes together!!

I have no idea where the time goes, but it goes!! It has been days since I was here. My new classes started on the 25th, they are Introduction to Business, Grammar and Editing for Writers and College Math. I had originally signed up for College Algebra, but you needed to have had some algebra and I hadn't so I made a last minute change to College Math.
The grammar and editing should be very interesting, and the intro to business.
I really need to make up a schedule and stick to it so I can be successful this term. But...I HATE SCHEDULES!! I always have. I am a totally free spirit and sometimes that is not good. But I have my "space" now and everyone is basically gone during the day so I really have no excuse.
Today Dale, Stephen, my parents and I are going to a little town about 40 minutes away to a benefit supper. It is for a Pastor (who has just passed on from fast moving cancer) and his wife (who is still with us, but has cancer)!! I seems as if there is an awful lot of cancer in this world!! We did not know the Pastor but we know people who go to the church he pastored.
Well guess what?? We have a lawn!!! Yep, it's beginning to show itself from under the snow. I can't wait until it all shows. It seems as if it's been a long winter. I am so much a sufferer of SAD (seasonal affect disorder). I dislike the dark when I get up and dark when I eat supper!! I love the sun and more importantly the SON.

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a new week.

It's a new week and again changes happen. DJ is at Job Corps, we took him down this morning. We really feel this is a great chance for him as do many other people. I think he is realizing that it is too. He is only 40 minutes away, staying on campus. After this weekend he can come home on the weekends or go with other people. It's time to let him spread his wings!! That is such a difficult thing for me to do. But I am trying, with DJ and with his 15 year old brother Stephen.
Dale has gone to work and I need to get some laundry and cleaning done because classes start again tomorrow. I am taking 3 again!!! I also need to finish setting up my "space." It will be so much easier to study and do the things I need to do. I am finding that I need space, more often than not lately. I am not sure where I am at spiritually, I have so many questions. My journey has been long and bumpy, and it's hard to know what to do. I do know that I need to pray, harder.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I got to spend time with my youngest today!!

Today has been a wonderful, wonderful day. Up at 5:00 to take Dale around to deliver the newspapers for Stephen (he's at a teen retreat this weekend). Then breakfast with our grandson Josh who spent the night. I worked on my "space" again for awhile until Josh's mom, our youngest, Lesley got here. Then we went and checked out a yarn/fabric store. Pricey but nice. We went to a thrift store where I picked up a nice little computer table, to Mr. PaperBack where Lesley ordered a Star Wars book that Josh has been looking for. One more yarn/fabric store and then lunch at subway. Oh yes, at the first store they also had "stuff". Nice pretty, pricey stuff. She bought Josh his first jackknife!!! When we came back to the house, Josh went and found a branch and I gave him a box so he could whittle in the house. We had coffee and talked for a bit. It was nice to spend time with her, we don't do enough of it. After Lesley and Josh left, I worked on my "space" again for a bid and then took a lovely nap with two cats and a dog!!!! My "space" is coming together nicely. I love it!!!!!
Right now there is a show on tv of Celtic Women. I love Celtic music and dancing, so I am going to go and watch it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Today is a good day.

Today is a good day. The boys switched rooms with me, so now I have a comfort space. A space where I can do my school work, write, watch a video, listen to music, or just be alone. Things have been a little tough lately. I am learning how not to raise teenage boys. It isn't easy. I may have to live in this world but I certainly do not have to like it. And I do not like it. What ever happened to the "good ole days?"
The days when kids came home from school, grabbed a snack and went to play ball with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood, or went fishing, or bike riding? In the winter you go ice skating or sliding down the neighbors big hill or build a snow fort. Today it has to be game boys, play stations, Xboxes, and you name it. There is no more going out to play with the kids in the neighborhood. And it seems as if all the young men want to do is fight one another. For what??? It's like a bunch of roosters around a flock of hens!!
Well, I guess I am getting old. Two more years and Stephen will graduate high school and be on his own. DJ is just waiting to hear from Job Corps, there is nothing for work here in our small town, nothing. He doesn't drive so he cannot go elsewhere and look for work. It makes things very tough.
But for now I have my comfort space.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


We are just a couple of day away from spring and I have been thinking about how things become new (rebirth so to speak). The buds will be coming out on the trees and flowers will be sticking their heads through the soil looking for the sun. Looking to show off their beauty, the beauty that only God can paint. It's so amazing to think of Christ's death, burial and resurrection in regard to how the leaves die on the trees, stay dormant during the winter and come to life in the spring. Only the Master could make these things happen.
That is what salvation (new life in Christ) is like. Our old self dies, we bury it, and we rise to a new life in Christ. It's not an easy journey, He never said it would be. To follow Him and live as He wants us to live can be hard. But we have His word to guide us and we have Him to go to. You say, "how can I go to Him when he is not here?" He is here though, 24/7 to guide us and to answer our prayers (maybe not how we think they should be answered) and to bring people into our lives to encourage us. He understands everything that we go through, there is nothing He cannot help us with. Wouldn't you like to have a friend like Him?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Lord's day

Sunday, my Lord's day. Does He really mean that we need to go into a building with a bunch of other people to worship Him?? Can't we worship Him everyday? Can't we meet with other Christians in their home or in your home?? Perhaps I am still looking....
Our granddaughter that lives with us cooked lunch today and it was a nice treat to come home from church and not have to do that. She and her friend Jess made bowties, sausage and peppers with a white sauce!!! Yummy! Thank you Beth and Jess. And then I took a lovely nap. It was warm enough to day to have the window open and it was so nice to smell the fresh air while I drifted off to sleep. I heard from two friends that I hadn't heard from for almost a week. They had been moving to another house. It was so good to hear that they were okay. I am a worry wart. This couple and several others who are spread out over the 50 states are people I wish could all be in close vicinity. Perhaps some I my Christianity questions could be answered. Well, we have to take the boys to meet a friend of ours named Ginger. She had two extra 3rd Day tickets so she it taking the boys to their concert. This is the first one they've been to. I know they will have a good time.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Another pet peeve

When you call a business and you get their automated answerer. You have to listen through a whole list of: "if you want this push that." Over and over and over again. Do these places ever consider the elderly who do not understand how to go through all of message and pick the right push??? The elderly are still used to calling a number and having a real person say; "this is Dr. Doe's office, how may I help you?" You tell them and they help you if they can. What happened to the "human touch."
I was hoping to write every day, but.... Yesterday was counseling day for DJ and for me. Yes, I said counselor, therapist or however you want to label Dr. Oliver. He is a Christian and we knew him and saw him a few years ago. Since returning to ME a few issues need to be worked on and I am not ashamed to work on them. At one point or another I think we all need help, some are able to ask for it. Do I believe God can take care of these issues?? You bet I do, but I also believe that He sends people into our lives to help Him take care of these issues. It's a journey, a learning that we must go through.
Lately (more than ever it seems) the boys have been getting to me. It hasn't been a pretty scene. My therapy for this week....I had to buy a purple (purple is my favorite color) towel and a roll of purple duck tape!!! The purble towel means "I've thrown in the towel, I'm done." The purple duck tape is for my mouth (not literally, but I will keep it with me all day), so I will not get into an argument or go off on the boys!!! It's not going to be an easy task but I explained it to Dale and he has to and has agreed to help. We talked about what we expect of the boys, what they are allowed to do and for how long. Dale is at work when Stephen (my biggest problem) comes home from school and that is when a lot of the contention takes place. So Dale and I agree on things and now we will present it to DJ and Stephen. A challenge??? You bet. Stephen just loves to get a rise out of me and when he does I don't act in a very Christian manner. Pray for me and don't laugh when you see me walking around the house with my purple towel and purple duck tape. I will conquer this challenge.

Pet Peeve

This is my first pet peeve

Why is it that men and boys have to leave
the toilet seat up

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The First Day

Today is March 12, 2009 and I am officially a blogger!!! I have read others and they intrigue me. I only hope my blogs and blogspot will end up being helpful to others. If you are a relative raising a relatives child or contemplating doing it, I would like to hear from you. If you have ever been involved in a cult-like church and need to vent, I am your shoulder. I have been there, done that and still don't have all the answers, but I sure have broad shoulders. My Father has given me a passion for souls. Helping others will also help me to heal and to grow.
Right now here in central ME, we are getting the Lion of March. The sun is shining so bright and the sky is blue, you would think it is warm outside. But.....the north winds they blow, and blow, and blow. Therefore it is c-o-o-o-o-l-d!!!! Oh, to be a snow bird!!
I am so fascinated by todays technology. I never thought I would be going to college on line, but here I am. I just finished up my fourth term and have been holding a 3.5 GPA!! Me!! I am very proud of myself, but must not get heady least I fail.
Well, hopefully this will not be the last day of blogging for me. Making this a place of safety for others to come to is my goal. If anyone has suggestions as to how I can really make this blog work, I am listening.