About Me

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I am almost 62 years old (June 8th). I was an online student until recently when I found I needed to withdraw for a while. I just cannot seem to remember anything that I read!! My mind span is like that of a child with ADHD and I do not know why. Just a lot going on I guess. I am still a CASA (court appointed special advocate) volunteer and help with a training for 'kinship caregivers' every so often. Not sure what the future holds, only God knows that and He will reveal it to me when He is ready. Until then I just need to work on restoring my relationship with Him.

Monday, March 23, 2009

It's a new week.

It's a new week and again changes happen. DJ is at Job Corps, we took him down this morning. We really feel this is a great chance for him as do many other people. I think he is realizing that it is too. He is only 40 minutes away, staying on campus. After this weekend he can come home on the weekends or go with other people. It's time to let him spread his wings!! That is such a difficult thing for me to do. But I am trying, with DJ and with his 15 year old brother Stephen.
Dale has gone to work and I need to get some laundry and cleaning done because classes start again tomorrow. I am taking 3 again!!! I also need to finish setting up my "space." It will be so much easier to study and do the things I need to do. I am finding that I need space, more often than not lately. I am not sure where I am at spiritually, I have so many questions. My journey has been long and bumpy, and it's hard to know what to do. I do know that I need to pray, harder.

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